Children are expected to wear a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (preferably with the Warter School shield), grey trousers, shorts, skirt or dress. In the summer, blue and white checked dresses can be worn.
For P.E. children should wear royal blue shorts and a white t-shirt (preferably with the Warter School shield). These should be sent to school along with trainers in a drawstring bag. In winter, royal blue jogging bottoms and a royal blue hoodie should be provided when the children do P.E. outside.
In Warter Babies, children should wear a pale blue polo shirt with the Warter Babies logo. For the rest of the school, a white polo shirt should be worn (preferably with the Warter School shield).
All items of the uniform can be purchased from the following suppliers:
Warter CE Primary School – Schoolshop (school-shop.co.uk)
Warter Church of England Primary School (School) – My Clothing
Warter Church of England Primary School (Warter Babies) – My Clothing
Please click here to read our School Uniform Policy
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The School Council run a second hand uniform shop. If you have any items of good quality uniform that your child has grown out of and would like to donate it, please drop it off at the school office.
If you would like to purchase items from the second hand uniform shop, please come along to the school office. A suggested donation of £1.00 per item is added to Warter School Fund account.