Warter C. E. Primary School

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.ā€¯Psalm 40:2. At Warter C.E. Primary School we are working together to provide a solid foundation to learn, grow and achieve through our Christian values of hope, perseverance, friendship and respect.

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‘History is who we are, and why we are the way we are.’

David McCullough


Our vision

History allows pupils to explore the past – and understand how changing accounts of that past have shaped us.  Through history, children will come to understand their place in the world and appreciate the striking similarities and differences in human experiences across time and place.

History also shows pupils how historians work – how they critically examine evidence, look at different sides of complex arguments, and learn how to test and appreciate new knowledge they learn about the past.  We place great value on both subject knowledge and skills as a basis for developing competence, understanding, and appreciation.



Through an exciting and popular programme of enrichment events such as trips, use of virtual reality, and guest speakers we aim to give abundant opportunities for children to satisfy their curiosity.



Pupils will see learning in history as something that can be returned to they appreciate its value and develop a deeper respect and appreciation for knowledge.



In teaching history we build empathy and understanding as well as appreciation for democracy and other fundamental values that help children to become cultured world citizens.


Our curriculum

 At Warter, we organise History in cycles that pair Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4, and Year 5 and 6 together. This approach is designed to create a well-structured and cohesive educational journey for your children.

The curriculum is planned in this way to develop pupils’ chronological knowledge in order to build their ‘mental timeline.’     While our A and B cycles means that there is some change in the order that children encounter periods, there is a chronology between lower and upper Key Stage 2 and each cycle addresses aspects of history that stand alone – either due to their chronology or their location. 

For example, cycle A of Upper Key Stage 2 focuses on World history through Ancient China and Ancient Greece and cycle B looks at Maafa history and the Second World War, focusing on oppression and conflict in the last three centuries.

This chronological approach ensure children develop:

  • broad characterisations of particular periods
  • understanding of general features of periods
  • knowledge of the chronological order of broad periods
  • knowledge of particular dates and events
  • knowledge of broad developments, links or themes across periods

By taking chronological knowledge into consideration, we ensure our pupils’ knowledge is connected and complete. 

Our teaching:

Through our curriculum planning we aim to build as rich a knowledge of history for pupils as possible by balancing the breadth and depth of history they encounter. 

By carefully sequencing and returning to key information and knowledge, we aim to ensure it is secure and well-organised in pupils’ minds.  This way, each unit we cover leaves a ‘residue’ of wider knowledge, such as a broad knowledge of the institutions of a period.  This helps pupils over time to develop knowledge of key concepts or chronological knowledge. This knowledge will help them to become effective historians.

History Curriculum Statement and Parent Information 2023-24