Warter C. E. Primary School

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.ā€¯Psalm 40:2. At Warter C.E. Primary School we are working together to provide a solid foundation to learn, grow and achieve through our Christian values of hope, perseverance, friendship and respect.

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Admission Arrangements 2026/27 


If you want to apply for a place in Nursery (pupils can start the term after they turn three) then please contact the school office on 01759 302061 or email office@warterschool.eriding.net

Pupils who attend our Nursery must apply through the local authority admissions team for a place in Reception.

If you want to apply for a place at our school (including mid-year transfers), you will have to apply through the local authority East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s School Admissions Team.

For further information, see their admissions page - ERYC School Places and Admissions


Admissions Policy 2026/27

Objections to these determined admission arrangements should be sent to the Schools Adjudicator by 15 May 2025.  Information about how to lodge an objection is available here:




You can contact the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by email at osa.team@schoolsadjudicator.gov.uk 


Catchment area