Warter C. E. Primary School

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.ā€¯Psalm 40:2. At Warter C.E. Primary School we are working together to provide a solid foundation to learn, grow and achieve through our Christian values of hope, perseverance, friendship and respect.

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Admission Arrangements 2025/26 


If you want to apply for a place in Nursery (pupils can start the term after they turn three) then please contact the school office on 01759 302061 or email office@warterschool.eriding.net

Pupils who attend our Nursery must apply through the local authority admissions team for a place in Reception.

If you want to apply for a place at our school (including mid-year transfers), you will have to apply through the local authority East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s School Admissions Team.

For further information, see their admissions page - ERYC School Places and Admissions

The Governing Body of Warter CE Primary School consulted on the admission arrangements to take effect for the start of the 2025-26 school year. This was a full consultation, with an invitation to respond. Following consultation, here is the Admission's Policy for 2025-26:

Admissions Policy 2025-26.pdf

The revised admission arrangements see no significant changes from previous arrangements. 

  • Our proposed published admission number for entry into Reception continues to be 20. 
  • There are no proposed changes to the catchment area (see below).  
  • The proposal contains information details regarding oversubscription criteria and details of how all preferences will be ordered, should there be more applications for places than places available, and details on how in-year applications should be made.


Catchment area - no proposed changes