Warter C. E. Primary School

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.ā€¯Psalm 40:2. At Warter C.E. Primary School we are working together to provide a solid foundation to learn, grow and achieve through our Christian values of hope, perseverance, friendship and respect.

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Sun Awareness Policy

Our Mission Statement

The aim of our school is to enable every child to grow intellectually, morally, spiritually and physically in a caring Christian community. We seek to help children achieve their full potential by encouraging a love of learning and the development of self-esteem and confidence. As a Church school we aim to develop Christian values and foster a respect for other people and their beliefs, as positive participants in the world community. 

We believe this policy should be a working document that is fit for purpose, represents the school ethos, enables consistency and quality across the school and is related to the following legislation: 

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
    • Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Equality Act 2010
    • Children and Families Act 2014 

The following documentation is also related to this policy: 

  • Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other Staff: Guidance for Local Authorities, Headteachers, School Staff, Governing Bodies and Proprietors of Independent Schools (DfE)
  • Equality Act 2010: Advice for Schools (DfE)
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education: Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges (DfE)
  • Sun Protection (HSE)
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children: A Guide to Inter-agency Working to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children
  • Race Disparity Audit - Summary Findings from the Ethnicity Facts and Figures Website (Cabinet Office) 

We acknowledge the importance of sun protection and we want pupils and school personnel to enjoy the sun safely. 

We are aware that skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United Kingdom, that most skin cancers are caused by UV radiation from the sun and that sunburn in childhood can double the chance of skin cancer in later life. 

We believe we have a duty to ensure the safety of pupils and school personnel from the harmful ultraviolet rays in sunlight during the school day by making them aware of the need of protection from the sun. We aim to develop a working and learning environment that will enable pupils and school personnel to stay safe in the sun. 

We actively encourage school personnel to keep covered up especially at lunch time when the sun is at its hottest, to use sunscreen Sun Protection Factor 30+, to stay in the shade, wear a hat, drink plenty of water and to check their skin regularly. 

We have a statutory duty to ensure the wellbeing of the Headteacher but we believe that the Headteacher also has a role to play in managing her own wellbeing by not neglecting   themselves for the sake of others. 

We wish to work closely with the School Council and to hear their views and opinions as we acknowledge and support Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that children should be encouraged to form and to express their views. 

We as a school community have a commitment to promote equality. Therefore, an equality impact assessment has been undertaken and we believe this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010. 

We all have a responsibility to ensure equality permeates in to all aspects of school life and that everyone is treated equally irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We want everyone connected with this school to feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. 

We acknowledge the findings of the Race Disparity Audit that clearly shows how people of different ethnicities are treated across the public services of health, education, employment and the criminal justice system. 

The educational section of the audit that covers: differences by region; attainment and economic disadvantage; exclusions and abuse; and destinations, has a significant importance for the strategic planning of this school. 

We believe it is essential that this policy clearly identifies and outlines the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the procedures and arrangements that is connected with this policy. 


  • To create a working and learning environment that provides sun safety for pupils and school personnel.
  • To ensure that pupils, school personnel and parents are aware of the protection procedures for sun safety.
  • To ensure compliance with all relevant legislation connected to this policy.
  • To work with other schools and the local authority to share good practice in order to improve this policy. 

Responsibility for the Policy and Procedure 

Role of the Governing Body

The Governing Body has: 

  • appointed a member of staff to be responsible for Health and Safety;
  • delegated powers and responsibilities to the Headteacher to ensure all school personnel and visitors to the school are aware of and comply with this policy;
  • delegated powers and responsibilities to the Headteacher to ensure that sun safety procedures are in place;
  • provided funding for the purchase of adequate sun safety resources;
  • responsibility for ensuring that the school complies with all equalities legislation;
  • nominated a designated Equalities governor to ensure that appropriate action will be taken to deal with all prejudice related incidents or incidents which are a breach of this policy;
  • responsibility for ensuring this policy and all policies are maintained and updated regularly;
  • make effective use of relevant research and information to improve this policy;
  • responsibility for ensuring all policies are made available to parents;
  • responsibility for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy. 

Role of the Headteacher

The Headteacher will: 

  • work in conjunction with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all school personnel, pupils and parents are aware of and comply with this policy;
  • undertake a sun safety audit by looking at: 
  • the length of time that pupils spend on outdoor activities
  • the amount of shade cover available
  • the kind of sun protection clothing that pupils and school personnel wear
  • the use of and the application of sunscreen lotion
  • the amount of curriculum time given to sun safety
  • the ways of communicating the importance of sun safety to the school community
  • devise and implement a Sun Safety Action Plan from the results of the audit (see attached);
  • provide annual sun safety awareness training sessions for school personnel and parents;
  • inform pupils of the need for sun safety by including it in the curriculum and through worships;
  • purchase adequate sun safety resources and keep up to date with new developments and resources;
  • periodically communicate with the school community via weekly letters and the school website of the need for sun safety;
  • have due regard to his/her own health and wellbeing and will wear appropriate sun protection clothing and sun lotion at the appropriate times;
  • work closely with the governors;
  • provide leadership and vision in respect of equality;
  • make effective use of relevant research and information to improve this policy;
  • provide guidance, support and training to all staff;
  • monitor the effectiveness of this policy by: 
  • monitoring learning and teaching through observing lessons
  • monitoring planning and assessment
  • speaking with pupils, school personnel, parents and governors 
  • report to the Governing Body on the success and development of this policy. 

Role of the Coordinator

The Health and Safety Representative will: 

  • carry out regular inspections of premises and school activities;
  • assist in carrying risk assessments;
  • investigate potential hazards, employee complaints, accidents and dangerous occurrences;
  • make representation to employers and others on health and safety matters arising;
  • provide information and guidance to school personnel;
  • lead the development of this policy throughout the school;
  • work closely with the Headteacher and the nominated governor;
  • make effective use of relevant research and information to improve this policy;
  • provide guidance and support to all staff;
  • provide training for all staff on induction and when the need arises regarding;
  • keep up to date with new developments and resources;
  • review and monitor;
  • report to the Governing Body on the success and development of this policy. 

Role of School Personnel

School personnel must: 

  • comply with this policy;
  • attend awareness training sessions on the importance of sun safety;
  • include sun safety into their curriculum planning;
  • hold outdoor activities in shaded areas;
  • encourage pupils to use shaded areas during breaktimes, lunchtimes, sporting activities and educational visits;
  • encourage pupils to: 
  • drink more water in hot weather;
  • wear appropriate clothing for sun protection;
  • wear a hat during outside activity;
  • wear UV protective sunglasses (plastic lenses);
  • apply sunscreen before they come to school;
  • bring their own named sunscreen to school in a plastic protective bag;
    • apply their own sunscreen (minimum SPF30) prior to any outdoor activity on or off-site;
  • not to share their sunscreen. 
  • not apply sunscreen to pupils bodies;
  • have due regard to their own health and wellbeing and will wear appropriate sun protection clothing and sun lotion at the appropriate times;
  • be aware of all other linked policies;
  • maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour within and outside school and not to undermine fundamental British values;
  • work in partnership with parents and carers keeping them up to date with their child's progress and behaviour at school;
  • implement the school’s equalities policy;
  • report and deal with all incidents of discrimination;
  • attend appropriate training sessions on equality;
  • report any concerns they have on any aspect of the school community.


Role of Parents

Parents must: 

  • be aware of this policy;
  • provide appropriate sun protection clothing for their children such as wide-brimmed or legionnaire style hats and school uniform tops that cover their shoulders;
  • be encouraged to apply to their children high factor sunscreen (minimum SPF30) before school;
  • show their children how to apply sunscreen themselves during the school day;
  • be encouraged to speak to their children about the importance of sun safety;
  • be asked to take part periodic surveys conducted by the school;
  • support the school Code of Conduct and guidance necessary to ensure smooth running of the school. 

Role of Pupils

Pupils must: 

  • be aware of the importance of sun safety;
  • wear sun protection head wear and clothing;
  • be encouraged to use shady areas of the school grounds;
  • bring to school their own clearly labelled water bottle and drink more water in hot weather;
  • be able to apply high factor sunscreen;
  • listen carefully to all instructions given by the teacher;
  • ask for further help if they do not understand;
  • support the school Code of Conduct and guidance necessary to ensure the smooth running of the school;
  • liaise with the school council;
  • take part in questionnaires and surveys. 

Raising Awareness of this Policy

We will raise awareness of this policy via: 

  • the school website
  • the Staff Handbook
  • meetings with parents such as introductory, transition, parent-teacher consultations and periodic curriculum workshops
  • school events
  • meetings with school personnel
  • communications with home such as monthly newsletters,texts.
  • reports such as annual report to parents and Headteacher reports to the Governing Body
  • information displays in the main school entrance. 


All school personnel: 

  • have equal chances of training, career development and promotion
  • receive training on induction which specifically covers: 

¨   All aspects of this policy

¨   Sun protection advice

¨   Safeguarding and Child Protection

¨   Health and Safety

¨   Curriculum

¨   Equal opportunities

¨   Inclusion 

  • receive periodic training so that they are kept up to date with new information
  • receive equal opportunities training on induction in order to improve their understanding of the Equality Act 2010 and its implications. 

Equality Impact Assessment

Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a duty not to discriminate against people on the basis of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. 

This policy has been equality impact assessed and we believe that it is in line with the Equality Act 2010 as it is fair, it does not prioritise or disadvantage any pupil and it helps to promote equality at this school. 

Monitoring the Implementation and Effectiveness of the Policy

The practical application of this policy will be reviewed annually or when the need arises by the coordinator, the Headteacher and the governors. 

A statement of the policy's effectiveness and the necessary recommendations for improvement will be presented to the Governing Body for further discussion and endorsement.

Head teacher - Alison Metcalfe - Spring 2019

Chair of Governors - Debbie Potter - Spring 2019

Sun Awareness policy SPRING 2019.pdf

Sunscreen permission form.pdf