Warter C. E. Primary School

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.ā€¯Psalm 40:2. At Warter C.E. Primary School we are working together to provide a solid foundation to learn, grow and achieve through our Christian values of hope, perseverance, friendship and respect.

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Academy Conversion Consultation


Consultation on Academy Status and joining Wonder Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust



 Please read the full information regarding our consultation on Academy status and joining the Wonder Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust.



The initial proposal is for Warter CE Primary School to convert to become an Academy and part of Wonder Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust.  


The period of consultation will run from 28th January until 12pm on 24th February 2025. The consultation process is an opportunity for you to ask any questions and contribute your views about the proposal.   


We have established an ‘academy consultation’ email address for parents to contribute to the consultation process. Your thoughts / questions can be submitted via email to academyconversion@warterschool.eriding.net

Alternatively they can be submitted in writing to me, via the school office.  We would be grateful if you could leave any correspondence concerning this issue at the school office marked ‘Academy Consultation’.

Please note: we are unlikely to respond individually to questions raised as we feel it more appropriate to send a response to all parents. We will therefore update our information and send to all parents with any questions that might emerge during the consultation phase.  


On Wednesday 5th February 2025, we are hosting an informal drop-in session at the end of the school day at 3:30pm, in case you have any specific questions you would like to ask. We hope that the key information shared within this letter and on our FAQ sheet will help answer questions you may have.


The governing body will consider all comments or views that are made about the proposals before any final decision is taken.  We should stress that NO final decision to convert has yet been reached and the decision will NOT be made until after the consultation period has closed.  



The timeline for the process is as follows:  


28th January 2025  Consultation process begins 


5th February 2025   Drop-in session for parents/carers 3:30pm in school   


24th February 2025  Consultation process ends at 12pm 



This is an exciting potential opportunity for our school and we would welcome your engagement in the consultation process as we progress on our journey.